Bachelor of Medicine - translation to γερμανικά
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Σε αυτήν τη σελίδα μπορείτε να λάβετε μια λεπτομερή ανάλυση μιας λέξης ή μιας φράσης, η οποία δημιουργήθηκε χρησιμοποιώντας το ChatGPT, την καλύτερη τεχνολογία τεχνητής νοημοσύνης μέχρι σήμερα:

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  • επιλογές μετάφρασης λέξεων
  • παραδείγματα χρήσης (πολλές φράσεις με μετάφραση)
  • ετυμολογία

Bachelor of Medicine - translation to γερμανικά

Bachelor of Medicine; Bachelor of medicine; BM BCh; Bachelors of medicine and surgery; MBChB; Bachelors of Medicine and Surgery; M.B.B.S.; BChir; Batchelor of Surgery; Bachelor of Surgery; Batchelor of Medicine and Surgery; ChB; Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery; MBBCh; MB ChB; MBBS; Ch.B.; MB BS; MB BChir; MB BCh; BM BS; M.B., B.Chir.; B.Chir.; M.B.,B.S.; M.B., B.S.; Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery; Bachelors of Medicine & Surgery; MB, BS; M.B. B.S.; M.B.B.S; Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery; Bachlor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery; MB BCh BAO; M.B.Ch.B; Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery; Bachelor of Obstetrics; B.Med.; Medicinae Baccalaureus, Baccalaureus Chirurgiae; Medicinae Baccalaureus et Chirurgiae Baccalaureus; M. B., B. S.; M. B., Ch. B.; MB, ChB; MBBS (WB); M.B,B.S; Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, Bachelor in the Art of Obstetrics; MBBCh.; MBBChir; Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery; BM BS BAO; BMBS; MB degree; BCh degree; M.D General Medicine; CH.B

Bachelor of Medicine         
Magister der Medizin, Bakkalaureus der Medizin
bachelor of surgery         
Bakkalaureus der Chirurgie
bachelor of literature         
Bachelor of Literature; BLitt; B.Litt.; Bachelor of letters; Litt.B.; LittB
Magister der Literaturfakultät


¦ abbreviation Bachelor of Letters.
from L. Baccalaureus Litterarum.


Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

A Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (Latin: Medicinae Baccalaureus, Baccalaureus Chirurgiae; abbreviated most commonly MBBS, but also BMBS, MB ChB, MB BCh and MB BChir) is an undergraduate medical degree awarded by medical schools in countries that follow the tradition of the United Kingdom. The historical degree nomenclature states that they are two separate undergraduate degrees. In practice, however, they are usually combined as one and conferred together, and may also be awarded at graduate-level medical schools. It usually takes five to six years to complete this degree.

A Bachelor of Medicine (MB, also BM, and BMed) is the primary medical degree awarded by medical schools in China and some medical schools in Australia and UK. It usually takes five years to complete. The word "Medicine" in this degree stands for the general term for the medicine subject rather than internal medicine. Hence, these medical graduates with an MB degree can still practice surgery.

The Bachelor of Medicine (or Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) degree is considered MD-equivalent in US universities and medical institutions. In North America, the equivalent medical degree is awarded as Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO)—the latter in the United States only.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για Bachelor of Medicine
1. The President conferred on passing out students degrees of Bachelor of Medicine, Surgery and dental Surgery.